Roadworks And Other Works

Neil Broadhurst is the Shire's Executive Manager of Works and Technical Services. Neil can be contacted in the Northampton office on 9934 1202 or 0428 341 202 for any works related enquiries.

Road Maintenance/Construction

Road Maintenance

A significant portion of Council's annual budget is allocated to the maintenance of Council's road network. Council has successfully carried out a number of busy bees together with local farmers to carry out gravel pavement construction. The busy bees have been a huge success and is a practice Council would like to continue. Should you wish to assist in organizing a busy bee in your area please contact Neil.

Roads are maintained to the best of Council's resources, however, should you have any complaints or comments regarding particular roads, please contact Neil.

Road Construction

The level of Council's road construction from year to year is largely dependant of state and federal government grants as well as allocated Council resources.

Federal funding, known as Roads to Recovery Program, is being utilized to improve roads within the Shire. This funding is secured for a 4 year period and will provide over a $1,000,000 to Council.

State funding, known as Regional Road Group Program, is a continued program each year. Council funds are also contributed to these projects as the funding provided is on a 2:1 basis;

Additional and more detailed information on Road Construction can be found in Council’s Annual Budget available from the Administration Offices in Northampton and Kalbarri.

Plant Hire

When Council's works program permits, it is possible to hire machinery for works on private property. All machinery must be operated by an employee of the Shire of Northampton with the appropriate qualifications. To arrange any private works please contact Neil Broadhurst.

The plant hire rates are as follows:

Plant Hire Charges
Equipment Total Rate
Prime Mover & Low Loader $175.00 per hour
12 Tonne Tip Truck $130.00 per hour
Small Tip Truck $100.00 per hour
Grader $185.00 per hour
Loader $150.00 per hour
Backhoe $150.00 per hour
Tractor $100.00 per hour
Roller $150.00 per hour
Plate Compactor $110.00 per day
Jack Hammer $110.00 per day
 Genset $90.00 per day

All fees are inclusive of GST


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