Pay My Rates
Council has increased rate charges by 4% for Gross Rental Valued (GRV) properties (Town Sites) and Unimproved Valued (UV) properties (Rural) for 2024/2025.
The date of issue for 2024/2025 is the 19th August 2024.
Rates will become due and payable 35 days from the date of issue being 4th October 2024. Rates outstanding after this date will incur a daily penalty percentage rate based on an annual rate of 7%.
Council also offers ratepayers the option to pay their rates account by either two or four instalments. To take advantage of the instalment option, a small interest and administration charge is made on each instalment payment. The instalment interest rate for 2024/2025 adopted by Council is 5%, with an administration fee of $5 for the option of two instalments and $15 for the option of four instalments. The due dates for the instalment options will be as follows:
- 1st Instalment by 4th October 2024
- 2nd Instalment by 6th December 2024
- 3rd Instalment by 7th February 2025
- 4th Instalment by 11th April 2025
The above dates are applicable to either the two-instalment option or the four-instalment option. So if you choose the two-instalment payment option, your payments will be made on the 4th October 2024 and the 6th December 2024.
Should a ratepayer not meet one of the instalment payments, penalty interest will immediately start to accrue, at the above daily rate, from the date after the instalment due date until the instalment payment is made. Council offers the below payment facility.

Please ensure Council is notified of any change of postal address or ownership details in writing and if other information on the rate notice is incorrect, please contact council immediately. All correspondence should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer and quote your rates assessment number.
Pay My Rates Via BPOINT Online
Click here to pay your rates online via the BPOINT website .
Alternatively, rates can be paid by contacting the Northampton Office on 08 99341202, or mailing payment to the Shire of Northampton, PO Box 61, Northampton, WA 6535.