Rates, Fees And Charges


Current rates information, including due dates for installment options, and information regarding the methods for paying your rates can be found via the following link

Register for eRates

Go to Rates Information

First and Final Firebreaks Notice

Current First and Final Firebreaks Notice

Budget Overview

2024/2025 Budget Overview

ESL Information

Current ESL Information

Property Valuations

The Valuer General's office provides Council with property values upon which Council rates are based.  Each year Unimproved Values (UV's) are revalued with Gross Rental Values (GRV's) revalued every six years.
In 2024/2025 the UV properties were re-valued with adjustments made according to market demand.
Should you wish to object to the valuation of your property, objections must be lodged with the Valuer General:

PO Box 2222, MIDLAND  WA  5936

Phone: 9273 7373

within 60 days of the issue of the Notice of Valuation and Rates.  It is important to note that Section 6.81 of the Local Government Act 1995 provides that rates must be paid, but are subject to adjustment if your objection is successful.

Pensioner Rating Information

Pensioners, who are entitled to receive a rebate on their rates account, need to make application with the Shire, and should reconfirm their details with the Rates Officer at the commencement of each financial year.

As from 1 July 2001, important changes have been made to the Scheme, which provides rate concessions to eligible Pensioners and Seniors, on their Water Corporation annual charges and Shire Council rates. Refuse and services charges are not given pensioner rate concessions.

These changes will not affect pensioners already registered to receive a rate concession.

Subject to certain conditions, you may qualify for a rates concession from 1 July 2001, if you:

  • have a right to occupy or reside at the property under the terms of a will even though you may not be the owner of the property;
  • have previously lost your entitlement to the rates concession or had your entitlement reduced because you have ceased to reside in your property because of ill health, frailty or other causes not within your control; or
  • receive a partners allowance, parenting allowance, (or parenting payment partnered), or widows allowance and hold a Pensioner Concession Card or State Concession Card; or
  • hold both a Seniors Card issued by the Office of Seniors Interests and a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, if only a Seniors card is held a lesser rebate may be available.

Council is now offering Centrepay to eligible pensioners.  Centrepay is a free direct bill-paying service offered to customers receiving payments from Centrelink.  Through Centrepay you can choose to pay bills by having a regular amount deducted from your Centrelink payment.

Centrepay is voluntary.  Customers who choose to use Centrepay benefit from its convenience and security knowing that their payments are under control.  Instead of having large bills every month or quarter your bills are paid in manageable amounts for your payment, making it easier for customers to budget.

If any of the above situations relate to you please contact the Council office to clarify your entitlement.


There is up to 50% concession allowed to eligible pensioners on Local Government rates which is restricted to a capped amount.  The Pensioner rates capped amounts will be set each year and is $750 for the 2024/2025 year.  The Senior's rates caps for 2024/2025 year is $100.

The Council does not administer the laws in regards to Pensioner concessions.  If you wish to lodge a complaint regarding the capping of the Pensioner rebate you will need to contact your local Member of Parliament.

Specified Area Rates

Kalbarri Tourism Specified Area Rate

Council over previous years and again in 2024/2025 has raised a specified area rate over all rateable Kalbarri Gross Rental Value properties zoned Residential, Residential Development, Places of Public Assembly, Special Site, Special Rural, Commercial, Tourist Accommodation, Service Industry, Light Industry, Composite Light Industry, within the Kalbarri Town Planning Scheme No. 9 being for Tourism Infrastructure related projects and Tourism Promotional Advertising within the Kalbarri Area.

This year request that Council consider an allocation of $30,000 from the 2024/2025 Kalbarri Tourism Specified Area Rate to:

  • Continue marketing the Tourism Promotional Advertising.    

Council in the 2024/2025 Budget has again levied a Specified Area Rate relating to the Townsite of Port Gregory.

Port Gregory Specified Area Rate – Water Supply

Council over previous years and again in 2024/2025 has raised a specified area rate over all rateable Port Gregory Gross Rental Value properties to contribute to the cost of operating and maintaining the non potable water supply to the Townsite.  Council will be raising $29,000 from this rate during 2024/2025.

Further information on the above Specified Area Rates can be obtained by contacting the Administration Office in Northampton.


Fees And Charges

Council reviews the fees and charges annually and then adopts them every year at the time of adopting the annual budget. Should any changes be made to the fees and charges after adoption Council is required to advertise these changes.

Click here to download the fees and charges

Financial Hardship

Financial Hardship policy

Financial Hardship Policy

Rates Arrangement to pay form


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